Arilyn Blog – All things augmented

Get to know Arilyn – Mats, Motion Designer

Written by Frida Gullichsen | 1.8.2018

Alright, we are back again with the faces behind Arilyn, the cogs and wheels behind it all. This week we are once again asking some serious and other not so serious questions to get to know our own Mats Havia a bit better. 

So Mats, tell the readers what you do here at Arilyn?

I'm a Motion Designer/Content creator. I make 2D animations and other visual effects. So simply put… I’m a wizard.

True, that is definitely an appropriate title. And you've enjoyed your time here?

I like it in Arilyn. It’s a nice place to work at. It’s a place where you can be yourself and feel like home. I mean, as home you can be. But don’t wear only your underwear in the office. That’s too much. Or should I say too Mats.

I say no such thing as too Mats. But ok down to basics, what did you have for breakfast this morning?

Sleep. I'd rather sleep longer then wake up early and eat breakfast.

What would you rather have had?

A way to eat and sleep at the same time. That would be efficient.

Any favourite band?


Favourite drink?

Sol… with lime.

Dogs or cats?

Stick insect.

Ah yes, secret option number three. Good choice! What about rain, do you like the rain?

Well, when it’s purple it okay. Otherwise, I love the sun.

In the movie of your life, who would play you?

Tommy Wiseau of course. And if you don’t know who that is… shame!

What is your greatest career fail?

Can’t remember… hopefully, I won’t meet any failures soon.

Any good career advice?

Don’t take everything you do personally. If something doesn’t go right, it’s not the end of the world. In a creative line of work, it’s easy to take everything so personally. Everything you do is somehow your creation, your child. You put your soul and life into something and then, something goes wrong. When something goes wrong, don’t let it eat you up. It’s not the end of the world.

Spoken like a true wizard. What about your greatest frustration?

Stupid people. Sometimes people are stupid and idiotic. You know does people… the people who stop in front of you when you’re walking and look at the sky. Does kind of people frustrates me

What’s your favourite season?

Twin Peak season 2

That was unexpected, but every answer is a correct one! Got a hero of some kind?

Dave Chapelle. He is the funniest and honest man. He knows how to tell jokes and at the same time make interesting points.

If you didn't do what you do now, what would you be doing?

Wrestling. My childhood dream was to be a wrestler. You know like John Cena. I always saw myself as a charismatic showman. And I still see myself as that. I know it’s bragging, but I think I’m entertaining.

You are! Keep us informed in case you decide on a career change. So then what job would you be terrible at?

Dancer. Sadly I don’t have the moves.

What do you wish you knew more about?

How to answer questions faster and easier. This 

Yes, that would be quite useful sometimes. I have a few big ones left, so take your time. Any unusual hobbies or interests?

That’s confidential

Ok, would love to hear more about that but let’s just move on to the last questions. What are you most grateful for at the moment?

That I’m going to Japan this summer. It’s going to be awesome. Japan has been so long on my bucket list. I finally going cross that off my list. Maybe I’ll bring some souvenirs.

Yes please bring souvenirs, yay! Now Mats we have arrived at the end of our interview, so let’s finish off with a short story from your childhood.

Birth, grew up, went to school, became 18, many bars, army, school again, worked with the elderly, yet again school and now working. Next step… death?

What a beautiful light ending to the interview, thank you Mats.

That was it for this episode of Getting to know Arilyn, next week same questions, same setup for Linda, our Junior Content Specialist!

Warm augmented regards,