Arilyn Blog – All things augmented

10th birthday bash - Emmi

Written by Liisa Mathlin | 21.8.2023

Next week, Arilyn will turn 10 years old! Birthdays are traditionally a good time for reflection, so that's what we'll do this week. As per tradition, Arilyn's founders took some time to glimpse the past, ponder the present, and gaze at the future.

How did it all start? What has happened during the decade-long journey? Where will this adventure lead to?

First, we'll hear from Arilyn's founder and CEO, Emmi.


Back in 2013, when we first got excited about AR, there was still a lot of magic fairy dust around this new emerging tech. Us founders were really excited about the possibility of expanding the world with virtual adventures. Our vision was that every surface touched by Arilyn would turn into a magical AR experience. Since the beginning, our mission has been to deliver tools and services for immersive storytelling. 

It was quite early on when we decided to focus on marketing and culture & art, and we started out with a SaaS-based business plan. Looking back now, it is clear that we were a little too early in the market for that. Instead, we pivoted the focus on partnerships and delivering services like consulting and content creation.

Today, we are a full-service XR house with technology platforms for AR and 3D websites. Now, we are moving towards the SaaS business model we originally planned, as the market is finally getting ready for it. Spatial computing and the ongoing significant movement from traditional 2D internet into 3D is a solid fact.

I'm still a big fan of fairy dust and virtual adventures. And it seems that I'm not alone. So I'd say the next 10 years look very promising for not only fairies and adventures but also businesses wanting to utilize immersive tech to extend online visibility. We have exciting times ahead!


If you wish to sprinkle some magic on your brand, let's get you started!