Arilyn Blog – All things augmented

Augmented soccer carton

Written by Frida Gullichsen | 27.8.2018

The everyday products have a stable and reliable consumer base. Sometimes though, a little shake-up is in place to find new customers and remind the existing ones why they should stick with your product. Arla took a chance with an AR campaign.

Aamu the cat, who lives in Arla’s milk cartons, went on a football-themed adventure this World Cup summer of 2018. A football field with a goal and Aamu as a goalie appeared from the carton, inviting everyone to try their goal-scoring skills. 

Client Arla
Production Arilyn

Gamifying a standard consumer product with augmented reality

Nordic dairy giant Arla is one of the first to use AR to gamify a standard consumer product, in this case, milk. Aamu the cat and her virtual adventure inside the milk carton began in 2018 and moved to football in the summer.

By swiping the screen, players kicked the ball, and Aamu leapt to defend the goal. Aamu the cat also did some dancing along defending the goal.

Aiming for new experiences

Arla aimed to offer new experiences with existing products and entertain current and new football fans with the latest tech. The World Cup and the yearly Helsinki Cup were hot topics in summer 2018, and Arla wanted to offer current content.

The campaign was hugely popular and talked about throughout the summer of 2018, with kids all over Finland contributing to the high-score board.

Gamifying a product is an easy way to get some lift to a simple everyday thing. AR is the medium to keep your product on top of mind and even further!


Read more about Aamu the cat's adventures in augmented reality!

Kitten in a milk carton

Recycling gamified with augmented reality